We believe riding a motorcycle is the next best feeling to flying. Riding with the right mindset matched with a passionate group of bikers to enjoy familiar routes and discover unexplored trails will enhance your experience on your motorcycle.

Your motorcycle is, after all, a machine that is capable of doing more than just taking you around a congested city.

Ten10 Racing has been a champion name in the world of motorcycle racing for over a decade. Now, we are extending our love for motorcycles into the world of exploring and experiences.

With our passion for motorcycles and our immense knowledge of motorcycle technology, riding techniques and safety standards, we offer you the most relaxed and passionate way to experience motorcycle riding with Ten10 Racing Tours & Trails.

Our rides are organised after a detailed recce by our experienced motorcycle pilots to each destination to plot the best touring routes for you that are safe yet exciting. You will be one with nature, enjoy local, recommended culinary stops along the way and push your machine to the fullest with each route. Each of our rides include a themed session at the destination that may include riding and safety lessons, photography, food trails, trekking or just plain fun.

Let’s discover our world together on two wheels.

What you get from us:

  • Expert guidance from qualified and experienced instructors/guides.
  • Qualified paramedic to provide first aid, if needed.
  • Mechanic support for basic mechanical problems/flat tyres.
  • Breakfast, lunch and tea.
  • Safety & Riding technique session.
  • Ten10 Racing Tours & Trails Badge of completion.
  • An experience that you will want to be a part of again and again.

What you need to take care of:

  • BIS or ECE certified motorcycle riding helmet with clear visor.
  • Riding/Touring jacket, pants and shoes.
  • Riding gloves. (These are mandatory.)
  • A motorcycle upto 500CC with efficient brakes, roadworthy tyres, insurance and other legal documents.
  • Valid driving license.
  • Water or any additional energy drink you may need.
  • Pre filled fuel tank.